This week at Scrap It With A Song we have the song “Lucky” by Jason Mraz. This is a pic of me and my best friend Heather. This was taken the day before she got married and it is one of my favorites.
Heather and I met… gosh 17 years ago. We both played the clarinet and met at marching band practice for our state fair (The Montana State Fair to be exact). She had just moved to Billings and me being the social butterfly took it upon myself to become her friend. The first day of high school, she had totally forgot my name but I forgave her and we have been friends ever since. We went to college together and I am godmother to her gorgeous baby boy. If you have been to my blog you have seen his picture tons of times cause that is what a majority of my pages are about these days. She is truly a sister to me!!
Come play along with us! You know you want to… it will be fun!!